Safeguard Your Home From COVID-19 Infection By Cleaning And Sanitizing Your Furniture

As per reports, the deadly COVID-19 virus can live up to four days on wooden furniture or surfaces and five days on metal surfaces. Health organizations suggest continuous cleaning and sanitization of touched surfaces like furniture with disinfectants to decrease the risk of spreading disease.

Most household sanitizing items are handy for hard surfaces such as chairs, tables, wardrobes, desks, sofas, beds, while thorough hand sanitization and proper usage of masks ensure personal protection.

Preventive measures and products

As contactless interactions tend to become the new normal, we ought to follow several protocols while entering and leaving the home. For eliminating any trace of the virus Sonai Furniture very own creations can do wonders in preventing the spread of the virus. These are:

  • Sure Hands Foot Operated Sanitizer Dispenser
  • Automatic hands-free operation
  • Foot pedal
  • All size bottle holder
  • Variable height adjustment
  • Smart Door Openers

Methods of cleaning and disinfecting furniture

However, if you are thinking about what more you can follow some suggestions to keep your home furniture virus-free, here are some simple steps shared by Sonai Furniture.

  • Start with vacuum-cleaning upholstered surfaces
  • To disinfect surfaces, use a spray-on
  • Use a Stain Remover
  • Use homemade cleaners

How to disinfect properly?

Firstly check your wood furniture has a hard finish or an oil one.

Things to consider while disinfecting hard finishes:

  • It is quite easy to disinfect furniture with a plastic veneer by spraying a disinfectant or wiping the surface with an antimicrobial wipe.
  • Painted Furniture can be damaged by the hard use of harsh detergents or disinfectants that have alcohol or other dry solvents.

Things to consider while disinfecting oil finishes:

  • Begin your cleaning with three soft, lint-free cloths. If you’re utilizing a rag of clothing or an old t-shirt, make sure that there are no buttons and seams attached, so they don’t scratch the furniture.
  • Use one cloth with a mild soap and water solution to scrub the furniture. Then utilize a second cloth with water and use it to remove the soap off the furniture’s surface.
  • Use a dry cloth for the final cleaning. If the wood is dry, or if there are germs or bacteria, furniture experts suggest the utilization of a furniture cleanser-conditioner with a damp cloth. Wear disposable or washable clothes while doing sanitization, and open windows to have a new environment when cleaning and disinfecting furniture.

After cleaning and sanitizing your furniture, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Sunshine and clean air are very useful, and the ultraviolet rays kill a lot of germs and bacteria.
Keep your movable furniture in the sunshine for some time to prevent the foul smell. Don’t keep any wooden furniture in the sunshine for long hours to avoid any fading or discolouration.

Why choose us ?

In today’s corona time, Sonai Furniture, a renowned furniture manufacturer in Siliguri, comes with a range of above mentioned products that make it easy to find the best-suited environment for your home or workplace. Contact us, and we will provide you with the most reasonable hand sanitizers dispensers, door openers to be used in homes or family places..